Outside view of the Art Supply Depo in Sylvania.

A hand holds a red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo colored pencil up against a blue sky.

A rack of Sennelier oil pastels.

Several different colored stabilo fine liner markers lined up in geometric shapes.

Six RGM palette knives are laid out on a dark grey background.

A Sennelier pastel set sits on a teal background with various single pastels scattered below and above it.

An aisle containing kids art products stretches backwards away from the camera, featuring sketchbooks and art kits among many other items.

A pile of artfully messy pastels lays on a pale background.

Three Emilio Braga notebooks lay side by side on an orange background. The first is blue with an orange spine, the second pink with a light blue spine, and the third yellow with a green spine.